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BEGINNERS (ENG) Register with this website and open complete beginners guide with answers to frequently asked questions. Click here to open Beginners guide.

Parents that consider home education have many questions. How to start homeschooling? What does it cost? What about sport? Where do I get an curriculum? What about assessments? Do I have to register with the Department of Education? What is the best curriculum? To assist these parents, a beginners guide has been compiled that answers all the commonly asked questions. The purpose of this guide is enable parents to make a responsible decision on whether homeschooling is for them. 

BEGINNERS (AFR) Registreer met hierdie webwerf en lees die volledige beginnersgids met antwoorde met al die algemene vra. Kliek hier on die Beginnersgids te lees.

Ouers wat tuisonderwys oorweeg het baie vrae. Hoe begin mens met tuisonderwys? Wat is die kostes van tuisonderrig? Wat van sport? Waar kry ek 'n kurrikulum? Wat van toetse? Moet ek registreer by die Departement van Onderwys? Wat is die beste kurrikulum? Om hierdie ouers te help is daar 'n beginnersgids opgestel wat al die mees algemene vrae beantwoord. Die doel van hierdie gids is om ouers te bemagtig om 'n verantwoordelike besluit te maak of tuisonderwys vir hulle is.

Wat is tuisonderwys?

In tuisonderwys leer ouers, gewoonlik die ma, hul/haar kind by die kind se eie huis. In die Suid-Afrikaanse wet word daar voorsiening gemaak vir drie soorte onderwys, naamlik tuisonderwys, privaatskole en staatskole.

Vir watter redes kies ouers  vir tuisonderwys?

Volgens navorsing presteer tuisleerders akademies baie beter as geïnstitusionaliseerde leerders. Dit is te verstane, want tuisonderwys bied die ideale leeromgewing wat wissel van 'n verhouding van een-tot-een tot ’n verhouding van byvoorbeeld een-tot-ses, en waarin die kinders onmeetbaar meer aandag kry as wat selfs vir die sorgsaamste onderwyser in 'n skool fisies moontlik is.

Tuisonderwys is uitmuntend geskik vir kinders met spesiale behoeftes, soos 'n kind met 'n besonder hoë of besonder lae intelligensie, of met spesiale talente, byvoorbeeld 'n kind wat baie begaafd is in musiek of sport of skaak, of kinders met spesiale leerbehoeftes. Die meeste ouers rig dan ook hul tuisonderwys so in dat hulle voorsiening maak vir hul kinders se spesifieke behoeftes en vaardighede. '’n Mens hoef dan ook nie al die vakke op dieselfde vlak te doen nie. As die kind baie vaardig is in Wiskunde, is daar niks wat hom keer om aan te gaan met die volgende jaar se werk indien hy/sy klaar is met daardie jaar se boeke nie. Of omgekeerd: as die kind nie die jaar se Engels baasraak nie, gaan hy eenvoudig terug na die vorige jaar se boeke en soek saam met sy ouers die haakplek en ruim dit uit die weg. Meer inligting oor tuisonderwys vir kinders met spesiale behoeftes kan gevind word op die webwerf van die National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network.

Baie ouers kies vir tuisonderwys vir godsdienstige en filosofiese redes. Hulle kies tuisonderwys omdat hulle nie instem met die waardes wat by publieke skole oorgedra word nie. Hulle wil ook meer tyd bestee om hulle kinders te onderrig in hulle godsdiens en tuisonderwys gee vir hulle meer tyd om dit te doen.

Ouers kies ook dikwels vir tuisonderwys omdat sterk familiebande vir hulle belangrik is. In ‘n tuisskoolgesin spandeer ouers, broers en susters baie meer tyd met mekaar en so ontstaan daar sterk familiebande. Alhoewel broers en suster dikwels baie kan baklei word hulle ook dikwels beste vriende.

Ander ouers probeer hulle kinders beskerm van probleme wat voorkom in publieke skole soos geweld, boelies, dwelms en die waardes wat oorgedra word deur portuurgroepe.

Moet ek registreer by die Departement van Onderwys?

Die SA Skolewet vereis dat ouers hulle kinders moet registreer vir onderwys tuis. Hierdie registrasie moet gedoen word by die provinsiale department van onderwys. Die praktyk is egter dat meeste provinsiale onderwysdepartemente nie die administratiewe vermoëns het om kinders te registreer vir tuisonderwys nie.

Sommige van die groter provinsies het ’n beperkte administratiewe vermoë om wel tuisleerders te registreer. Ongelukkig egter het die amptenare by daardie departements baie beperkte insig in tuisonderwys en die wetlike voorskrifte oor tuisonderwys. As gevolg van hierdie beperkte insig vra hierdie amptenare dat ouers aan allerhande vereistes moet voldoen wat nie deur die wet voorgeskryf word nie, voordat hulle kan registreer vir tuisonderwys. As gevolg van hierdie situasie is meer as 90% van tuisskool gesinne nie geregistreer by die Departement van Onderwys nie. Ouers word aanbeveel om die Pestalozzi Trust te skakel.

Hoe moet ek my kinders uit die skool haal?

Dit is u reg om te besluit watter tipe onderwys die beste is vir u kind. Of dit nou tuisonderwys of skoolonderwys is. U hoef nie u besluit te regverdig teenoor die skool nie. U hoef hulle slegs in kennis te stel van u besluit. Dis ook nie nodig om te wag tot die einde van die jaar of die einde van die kwartaal nie. As dit in u kind se belang is om tuisonderwys te ontvang behoort u die kind so gou as moontlik uit die skool te haal.

Wag tot dit die kind se laaste dag by die skool is. Moet nie u planne voor die tyd met die skool bespreek nie, om moontlike viktimisasie te voorkom. Dan moet die VADER die skool bel (moet nie skryf of die skool besoek nie). Skole gee heelwat minder probleme aan vaders as aan moeders. Vermeld aan die skool :”Ek het my kind oorgeplaas na tuisonderwys. Verduidelik asb. die prosedure om uitstaande skoolgelde te betaal. Baie dankie vir die goeie dinge wat my kind by die skool ervaar het. Stuur asb. die oordragsertifikaat .” Vermy om meer inligting te verskaf. Indien u in ’n gesprek of in die publiek gevra word om inligting te verskaf, wag rustig tot u ’n spreekbeurt kry en vertel dan die volgende : “Ek is baie dankbaar vir julle toegewydheid tot die beste belange van my kind. Ek kan egter nie die redes vir ons besluit oor die telefoon bespreek nie. As u enige vrae het, plaas dit asb. op Skrif en stuur dit aan ons."

Kan ek my kinders terugstuur na die skool?

Baie ouers is bekommerd dat hulle nie hul kinders sal kan terugstuur na ‘n skool as hulle eers begin het met tuisonderwys nie. Dit kan gebeur dat ’n gesin se omstandighede so verander sodat ouers genoodsaak is om hulle kinders weer na ’n skool te stuur. As ouers hulle kinders terug in ’n skool wil plaas, mag publieke skole nie diskrimineer teen kinders nie en ook nie toetse gebruik om leerders in ‘n spesifieke graad te plaas nie. Die toelatingsbeleid van publieke skole skryf die volgende voor: “Learners are to be admitted to public schools and placed in different grades in the school according to the age requirements published in the same notice.

Kan enige ouer kan tuisonderwys gee?

'n Moeder is uniek daartoe geskape om haar kind te kan onderrig. Haar beskermende moederinstink is daar om haar kind te beskerm, en die moeder weet amper altyd die beste wat in die belang van haar kind is. 'n Moeder wat haar kind basiese lewensvaardighede kan leer, soos om "Asseblief" en "Dankie" te sê, kan ook haar kind tuisskool.

'n Ma hoef nie 'n onderwyseres of hoog geleerd te wees nie. Volgens uitgebreide navorsing wat oor die onderwerp gedoen is, het die kwalifikasies van die ouer in tuisonderwys geen invloed op die prestasie van die tuisleerder nie.

Dit is beter as 'n ma nie alles weet nie. Só bied sy aan haar kinders die waardevolle rolmodel van ‘’n persoon wat wel nie weet nie, maar wat nie bang is om uit te vind nie. Sodoende leer die kinders 'n ingesteldheid van probleemoplossing, waarsonder hulle nie die lewe kan aanpak nie.

"Kom ons kyk eers agter in die boek by die antwoorde. Of miskien kry ons die oplossing in hierdie ander handboek wat ons het, of kom ons bel die Wiskunde-juffrou hier langsaan, of kom ons vra vir Oom Boet, die elektrisiën - hy ken Wiskunde baie goed!, of wat van die Internet, of..."

Die probleemoplossingsvaardigheid en - ingesteldheid sal waarskynlik nog dié belangrikste akademiese toerusting in jou kind se lewe word.

Hoeveel tyd neem dit in beslag?

Navorsing toon dat 'n laerskoolkind in tuisonderwys gemiddeld ongeveer 2 tot 3 uur per dag neem om al sy werk te voltooi (huiswerk ingesluit) en '’n hoërskoolkind gemiddeld ongeveer 3 tot 4 uur. 'n Kind in tuisonderwys het normaalweg dus meer vrye tyd vir speel, lees, musiek, droom, gesels, stokperdjies, help in die huis en tuin, en kortom: om 'n normale lewe te lei.

Leermateriaal vir tuisonderwys

Daar is baie leermateriaal beskikbaar vir tuisonderwys in Suid-Afrika, sommige plaaslik ontwikkel, sommige uit die buiteland ingevoer; sommige op rekenaar, sommige gedeeltelik op rekenaar en sommige in handboeke. Daar is ook ouers wat ’n meer informele benadering volg en nie ’n vasgestelde kurrikulum gebruik nie.

Die materiaal wat beskikbaar is vir tuisonderwys, is gewoonlik maklik vir enige ma om te gebruik. Baie tuisskolers maak ook van afstandsonderrig-fasiliteite gebruik, wat 'n ouer met 'n kind in tuisonderwys feitlik onafhanklik kan gebruik.

Op die SAHomeschoolers webwerf is advertensies van kurrikulum verskaffers asook kennisgewings van kurrikulum uitstallings wat in verskillende streke gehou word.

Daar is nie iets soos ’n voorgeskrewe kurrikulum, of ’n kurrikulum wat die beste is vir tuisskolers nie. Ouers is self verantwoordelik die kurrikulum te kies wat die beste voldoen aan die spesifieke behoeftes van hulle gesin. Daar is egter organisasies wat ‘n konsultasiediens aanbied om ouers te help om die beste kurrikulum vir hulle gesin te kies.

 In tuisonderwys is die hele lewe die kurrikulum

Tuisonderwys vind binne die lewe plaas, tussen mense van verskillende ouderdomme, in werklike lewensituasies. Een van die moeilikste dinge om te aanvaar wanneer 'n mens begin met tuisonderwys, is dat tuisonderwys iets heeltemal anders as skoolonderwys is.

As daar in tuisonderwys 'n waterpyp in die huis breek, word die loodgieter se besoek skielik 'n wonderlike leergeleentheid vir die hele gesin. In tuisonderwys pas ’n mens jou leerwerk in by Oupa en Ouma se skielike inloer, of by die jongste wat 'n pragtige spinnekop net buite die agterdeur ontdek.

Want in tuisonderwys is die hele lewe die kurrikulum. 'n Mens berei die kind voor vir die lewe, terwyl hy met sy voete vierkantig binne-in die lewe staan.

Moet die onderwys in die kind se moedertaal wees?

Navorsing het herhaaldelik bewys dat dit die beste is dat die kind sy onderwys in sy moedertaal moet ontvang. Hierdie belangrikheid van moedertaalonderwys word weereens bevestig in die media. Child Magazine berig: "Dit is boonop bewys dat Afrikaanssprekende kinders wat in hul moedertaal onderrig word, beter vaar op skool as kinders wat in Engels onderrig word, ...”. As Afrikaans die gesin se is, is dit die beste vir die kind dat die onderwys ook in Afrikaans gegee word. Daar is Afrikaanse kurrikulums beskikbaar en indien u ’n Engelse kurrikulum kies, is dit belangrik dat die konsepte in die kurrikulum in Afrikaans vertaal word vir die kind.

Wat van sosialisering?

Sosialisering is nie so 'n groot probleem as wat oningeligte buitestaanders gewoonlik meen nie.

Die navorsing wat daaroor gedoen is, bevestig wat baie tuisskoolouers wel deeglik besef, naamlik dat kinders in tuisonderwys nie 'n wesentlike probleem met sosialisering het nie. Tuisleerders sien gemiddeld net soveel mense as hul eweknieë in openbare of privaatskool, maar dit is 'n veel groter verskeidenheid mense met wie hulle te doen kry. Hulle leer dus om met baie soorte mense klaar te kom, en in hierdie opsig is dit 'n baie goeie voorbereiding op die moderne beroepswêreld, waar 'n mens selde werk saam met ’n groot groep mense wat almal presies so oud soos jy is. Veel eerder bevind jy jou vandag in 'n kleinerige groep, waarvan die ouderdomme wyd uiteenlopend is.

Wat van sport?

Daar is ook baie geleenthede vir sportbeoefening vir tuisleerders. Afgesien van sporte soos swem, tennis, perdry, gholf en ysskaats, word daar toenemend privaatklubs gestig waarby tuisskolers inskakel vir byvoorbeeld atletiek, rugby, netbal en krieket. Uitstaande sportmanne en -vroue vind dikwels dat hulle meer tyd aan hul sport kan bestee in tuisonderwys.

Daar is ’n aantal organisasies wat dit moontlik maak vir tuisleerders om deel te neem aan sport of plaaslike, provinsiale, nasionale en selfs internasionale vlak. Besoek die webwerf en klik op die “Sport” module vir meer inligting oor hierdie organisasies.

Wat kos dit om tuisonderwys te gee?

Die kostes van tuisonderwys kan wissel tussen R300 tot R30 000 per maand, afhangende of ouers gebruik maak ‘n kurrikulum of nie, afhangende van die soort kurrikulum wat gebruik word en die hoeveelheid wat ouers spandeer aan buitemuurse aktiwiteite. Daar is ook baie gratis hulpbronne beskikbaar op die Internet waarvan ouers gebruik kan maak.

Tuisonderwys word dikwels voorgestel as ’n baie duur vorm van onderwys, aangesien een van die ouers sal moet ophou werk.

Indien egter die koste verbonde daaraan dat beide ouers in ’n gesin buite die huis werk in ag geneem word, is tuisonderwys egter nie noodwendig so duur nie. Hierdie kostes sluit in belasting, skoolgelde, skoolklere, toesig oor die kinders na die skool, vervoer van kinders na en van die skool, sakgeld om kos by die skool te koop, ens. ens. Indien al hierdie kostes in ag geneem word, kan dit wees dat ’n gesin meer spandeer aan hierdie kostes as wat die tweede ouer sal verdien indien hy of sy buite die huis werk.

As gesinne mooi begroot, sal hulle dalk vind dat dit nie onmoontlik is om te oorleef met die een inkomste nie. Vir gesinne waar slegs een ouers werk kan tuisonderwys heelwat goedkoper wees as skoolonderwys. Veral waar gesinne in ’n area woon waar die broodwinner nie hoog besoldig is nie, maar waar die skole baie duur is.

Dit is egter ook nie noodwendig waar dat gesinne wat tuisonderwys gee slegs op een inkomste hoef te leef nie. Aangesien tuisonderwys minder tyd in beslag neem as skoolonderwys, kan ouers wat die tuisonderwys die orige tyd gebruik om deeltydse werk te doen. Of indien beide ouers voltyds werk maar in verskillende skofte werk, kan dit ook moontlik wees om tuisonderwys te gee. Of ouers kan saamwerk met ander ouers sodat ander ouers of familie 'n deel van die tuisonderwys behartig op dae wat hulle werk.

Ouers wat van die huis af werk, of 'n besigheid van die huis af bedryf, kan die tuisonderwys kombineer met die werk. Wanneer ouers 'n eie besigheid het, kan die kinders ook help in die besigheid. Dit op sig self is 'n leerervaring wat kinders nie by 'n skool kan kry nie.

Ondersteuning in tuisonderwys

Moenie jou kurrikulumverskaffer as jou enigste steungroep beskou nie. Kurrikulumverskaffers is daar om te doen wat hul naam sê: om aan jou 'n kurrikulum of leermateriaal te verskaf.

Sluit aan by die volle spektrum van ondersteuningstrukture. Elke struktuur het sy eie funksie. Hierdeur ontvang u omvattende ondersteuning en sekuriteit, en verbeter u die kans vir bevredigende, suksesvolle tuisonderwys wat oor die lang termyn volhoubaar is.

Die Pestalozzi Trust is die regsfonds vir tuisonderwys in Suid-Afrika. Dit hou wag oor die belange van tuisskolers en bied gemoedsrus aan sy lede. Die Trust lig sy lede in oor hul regte en verpligtinge as tuisskolers. Dit hou sy lede op hoogte van onderwysgebeure in die land. Lidmaatskap is slegs beskikbaar aan tuisskolers wat nog nie in konflik met die onderwysowerheid oor hul tuisonderwys was nie.


Ondersteuningsgroepe. Sluit aan by '’n plaaslike ondersteuningsgroep of stig een. Vir die ma bied dit 'n skouer om op te huil, en dit help om jou kinders se gedrag in perspektief te plaas. Vir die kinders is dit belangrik om ander tuisskolers te ontmoet, en te kan sien dat daar ander baie "normale" kinders ook is wat tuisskool!

Die tuisonderwys poslys is ’n internet besprekingsgroep waar enigeen enige saak kan bespreek, mits dit direk of indirek met tuisonderwys verband hou. ’n Koppeling na hierdie besprekingsgroep kan gevind word op die SAHomeschoolers.Org.

Hoe om te begin

  1. Bepaal 'n doelwit. Bid en besin as 'n gesin saam oor wat jul ideale is vir jul kinders. Hoe wil jy graag hê jou kind moet wees oor 10 of 15 jaar? Iemand wat weet wat reg en verkeerd is? Iemand wat onafhanklik kan dink en doen? Iemand wat vir homself kan sorg en nie bang is om te werk nie?
  2. Win inligting in. Win inligting in oor tuisonderwys - lees daaroor, koop 'n inligtingpakket, woon inligtingseminare by, gesels met ander tuisskolers, vind uit wat die verskillende kurrikula behels. Baie kurrikulum verskaffers asook die Pestalozzi Trust bied seminare aan.
  3. Sluit aan by ondersteuningsliggame om jouself op hoogte te hou van verwikkelinge en deel te bly van die netwerk van tuisskolers in Suid-Afrika. Sluit aan by die Pestalozzi Trust vir die gemoedsrus dat jy beskerm is teen enige onregmatige inmenging deur die owerheid of enigiemand anders in jou keuse om tuisonderwys te gee.
  4. Geniet dit elke dag, en wees dankbaar vir die voorreg om met jou kind te kan werk. Ontspan, en doen moeite om die lewe so stresvry moontlik vir jouself te maak, veral die eerste ruk. Onthou dat jy as ouer onmiddellik moet doen wat in die belang van jou kind is. Jy hoef vir niemand te wag om toestemming te gee of om jou kind te registreer nie. Vir meer inligting oor registrasie, lees die artikel oor regsoorwegings op SAHomeschoolers.Org.

Hoe om dit vol te hou

Vir 'n ouer is tuisonderwys een van die wonderlikste ervarings wat 'n mens ooit in jou lewe kan hê. Dit maak ouerskap werklik sinvol. Ook vir kinders is elke dag wat hulle in tuisonderwys is, 'n geskenk.

Wees bereid om koersaanpassings te maak. Wanneer ouers begin, moet hulle voorbereid wees op '’n groot verandering wat daar ook in hul lewens gaan plaasvind. Hulle leer ken hulself beter, leer hul kinders baie beter ken, en hulle leer mekaar se geselskap geniet. Ouers groei soveel as mense, en doen dinge wat hulle nooit beplan het om te leer en te geniet nie. As gesin beweeg die ouers en kinders baie nader aan mekaar, en sluit dikwels lewenslange vriendskappe.

'n Tuisonderwysgesin se rol verander gewoonlik in hulle familie en in die samelewing, want hulle sal toenemend hul keuse vir tuisonderwys moet verantwoord. In die proses maak 'n mens soms vyande maar dikwels ook onverwagse vriende, en werf tuisskolers deur hul voorbeeld dikwels baie mense vir tuisonderwys.

Raak betrokke. Namate hulle vorder met hulle tuisonderwys, by ondersteuningsliggame betrokke raak, oplees oor tuisonderwys en van inligtingsgeleenthede gebruik maak, raak tuisskolers al hoe meer betrokke in die tuisonderwysgemeenskap self, sodat hulle ook ander kan help, asook by die bevordering van goeie onderwys in die samelewing.

Elke dag wat jy jou kind in tuisonderwys het, is 'n geskenk van die Here. Dit is 'n wonderlike manier om jou doopbelofte te vervul, en om die opdrag van die Here in Deuteronomium 6:6ev na te kom: "En hierdie woorde wat ek jou vandag beveel, moet in jou hart wees; en jy moet dit jou kinders inskerp en daaroor spreek as jy in jou huis sit en as jy op pad is en as jy gaan lê en as jy opstaan..."

Kliek hier vir die Afrikaanse weergawe


What is home schooling?

South African law makes provision for three kinds of education: home education, private schools and state schools. In homeschooling, a parent, usually the mother, teaches her children at home rather than sending them to a formal private or state school.

Why do parents choose home schooling?

Homeschooled children perform better

Research shows that home learners perform much better than their institutionalised peers. The reason is obvious: homeschooling offers the ideal learning environment, in which there is a very low ratio of one teacher to just one to six learners. As such, home-schooled children get infinitely more attention than children at a school, because even the most caring teacher is just not capable of providing the same level of attention to so many more children.

To cater for special needs children

Homeschooling is also suited to children with special needs, such as those with exceptionally high IQs, gifted children or children with special learning needs. Parents can organise their homeschooling in a way that best provides for their children's specific needs and abilities.

With homeschooling, all subjects do not have to be taught at the same level. If a child has an aptitude for maths, for example, there is no reason to stop their early progress to the next grade. Equally, if a child has not mastered this year's Afrikaans, they can simply return to the previous year's books and, together with their parents, find the cause of the difficulty and work to fix it.
You can find more information on homeschooling children with special needs on the National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network website.

For personal reasons

Many parents choose to homeschool for religious or philosophical reasons. They may be unhappy with the values presented in the formal school setting and they may also want to spend more time teaching their children about their religion. Homeschooling accommodates this.

Some parents may choose to homeschool because they value strong family relationships. Homeschooling gives parents more time with their children, and siblings can also spend more time together. Although home-schooled siblings may fight and argue with each other like other children, they also often become best friends.

Other parents want to protect their children against bullying, the values transferred by peer groups or the drug culture that may be present in formal schools.

Should I register with the Department of Education?

The SA Schools Act requires parents to register their children for education if they are being taught at home. This registration must be done at the provincial department of education.

In practice however, some provincial departments do not have the administrative capability to register children for home education. Some of the larger provincial departments may have limited administrative capabilities, but unfortunately the officials in these departments have a very narrow understanding of home education and the law on home education. These officials often require parents to meet all sorts of requirements that are not stipulated by the law. Because of this, more than 95% of homeschooling parents in South Africa do not register with the department. Parents should contact the Pestalozzi Trust for guidance on this issue.

How must I take my child out of school?

It is your right to choose the best type of education for your child, be it formal school education or home education. You do not need to justify your decision to the school; you merely need to inform them. You do not need to wait until the end of the year or the end of the term. If it is in your child’s interests to receive home education, you should take you child out of the school as soon as possible.

Wait until your child is home from school on the last day that they attend. Avoid mentioning your plans beforehand, to prevent possible victimisation. Then the FATHER should phone the school (do not write a letter and do not visit them). Schools give fathers fewer hassles than they give mothers. Tell the school: "I have transferred my child to home education. I shall email you my arrangements for paying any outstanding fees. Thank you for the good things my child experienced at your school. Please forward the transfer certificate." Avoid giving any more information. If you get questions or arguments, wait politely for a chance to speak and then say: "I am grateful for your commitment to my child's best interests. However, I cannot discuss this over the 'phone or answer your questions at this stage. Please put your concerns in writing so that I can discuss them with my wife and my advisers". Avoid saying anything more and avoid putting anything in writing except the financial arrangements.

Can I send my child back to school?

Many parents are concerned that they will not be able to send their homeschooled children back to a formal school if circumstances change and they need to do so. A public school is not allowed to discriminate against children who have been homeschooled or use tests to place children in a certain grade. The admission policy for public schools states that: “26. Learners are to be admitted to public schools and placed in different grades in the school according to the age requirements published in the same notice. 11. The governing body of a public school may not administer any test relating to the admission of a learner to a public school, or direct or authorise the principal of the school or any person to administer such a test.

Can any parent do homeschooling?

Mothers have been uniquely created to be able to teach their children. A mother's protective instinct means she almost always knows what is in the best interest of her children. A mother who can teach her children basic life skills, such as how to say "Please" and "Thank you", can also homeschool her children.

Does a parent have to be a teacher or be highly qualified?

Extensive research on the topic shows that the parent’s qualifications do not have any influence on the performance of the home learner. A mom needn't know everything. A mom who knows everything cannot be the very valuable role model of a mother who knows that she doesn't know everything, but who isn't afraid to find out whatever is needed. Children should develop a problem solving attitude, without which they can hardly tackle life.

"Let us look in the back of the book for the answers. Or perhaps we'll find the solution in the other textbook that we have on the shelf...; or let us give the maths teacher next door a call; or maybe the electrician, Oom Boet, will know - he knows his maths! Or what about the internet; or..."

Problem-solving skills and a good attitude will probably become the most important academic tools in your child's life.

How much time does it take?

Primary school children in homeschooling take 2 to 3 hours per day to complete all their work (homework included) and secondary school children take 3 to 4 hours. As a result children have more time to play, read, dream, socialise, enjoy their hobbies, help in the house and in the garden or make music. In short, they have time to live a normal life.

Learning materials for home schooling

There are ample learning materials available for homeschooling in South Africa. Some have been developed locally and some have been imported from abroad. Some are on computer, some are partially computerised, others make use of textbooks and some follow a unit studies approach. As such, a wide variety of approaches is available, one for each possible situation.

The materials are usually easy to use. Many homeschoolers also make use of distance education facilities, which a parent with a child in home education can use almost independently.
You can browse this website for curriculum suppliers as well as notices on curriculum expos in different regions.

There is no such thing as a prescribed curriculum or a curriculum that is best for all homeschoolers. Parents are responsible for choosing the curriculum that is most suited to their specific family. There are, however, organisations that provide a consultation service to help parents choose a curriculum that is suitable for their circumstances.

Life is the curriculum

Home schooling takes place within life, amongst people of various ages, in actual life situations. One of the most difficult things to accept when starting home schooling, is that home schooling is very different from state schools or private schools.

When you are home schooling, and a pipe suddenly bursts, the plumber's visit becomes a wonderful learning opportunity for the whole family. In home schooling one fits the academics in around Grandma and Granddad's sudden visit, or a lesson is built around the spider that the youngest discovered just outside the kitchen door.

This is because in home schooling the curriculum consists of the whole of life. The child is prepared for life while experiencing life to the full.

What about socialization?

Contrary to some opinions, socialisation in homeschooling is not a pressing problem.

Research confirms what many homeschooling parents instinctively realise: that children in homeschooling do not have a problem with socialisation. Home learners on average see the same number of people as their peers in state or private schools. The difference is that they see people from all walks of life and from all age groups. Therefore they learn to get along with all sorts of people, which is excellent preparation for the modern career world, in which one seldom works with a large group of people who are all the same as you. You are more likely to find yourself being part of a small group of people who differ widely.

A homeschooling mother once contacted an adventure centre and received the following feedback on socialisation from the organisers: “The problem with homeschool groups is that we find that our team building and conflict resolution programmes simply fall flat because the children don’t fight! Also, the groups are usually mixed-age and the older children automatically help the younger children.

What about sport?

There are many sporting opportunities for homeschoolers. Besides sports such as swimming, tennis, horse riding, golf and ice skating, private clubs are increasingly being established where homeschoolers can practise sports such as athletics, rugby, netball and cricket, for example. Outstanding sportsmen and women often find that they can spend more time on their sports while homeschooling.

A number of organisations also make it possible for home learners to take part in sport on a local, provincial, national and even international level.

What does home schooling cost?

The cost of homeschooling can be anything from R300 to R30 000 per month, depending on whether a formal curriculum is used or not, what type of curriculum is used and what you spend on extra-curricular activities. There are also many free resources available on the internet.

Homeschooling is often considered a very expensive form of education, because one of the parents must stop working. However, if the costs associated with both parents working outside the house are taken into account, homeschooling is not necessarily that expensive. These costs include tax, school fees, school uniforms, after-school care, transport, pocket money for food and snacks at the school, etc. If all these costs are taken into account, it’s possible that parents could be spending more than they are earning by both working.

If families budget carefully, they might find that it is not impossible to live comfortably on one income. Homeschooling can be significantly less expensive than a formal school education, especially in areas where the schools are very expensive.

Also, because home education requires less time than school education, parents could work part-time. Or, both parents could work full-time, but on different shifts. Parents can also cooperate with other parents or families to share the home education responsibilities.

Parents that work from home or run a business from home can combine home education with work. Children can help in the business, so gaining a learning experience that no school can offer.

Support in home schooling

Do not regard your curriculum supplier as your only support group. Curriculum suppliers do what their name says: they supply a curriculum or learning materials. You can join a full spectrum of support structures, each with its own function. In this way you will receive comprehensive support and security, and you will improve your chances of having a satisfactory, successful homeschooling experience that will be sustainable in the long run. Some of the support structures available to you are:

Pestalozzi Trust

The Pestalozzi Trust is the legal defence fund for home education in South Africa. It guards the interests of homeschoolers and offers peace of mind to its members. The Trust informs its members of their rights and obligations as homeschoolers and keeps them abreast of educational happenings in the country. Membership is only available to homeschoolers who have not been in conflict with the educational authorities regarding their homeschooling.

SA Homeschoolers

The SA Homeschoolers online platform is an initiative of the Association for Homeschooling. The mission of SA Homeschoolers is : "Empowering parents to choose the best education for their children."

SA Homeschoolers offers the following services :

  • Operating a findable and accessable website on home education in South Africa
  • Provide a safe platform for parents to get into contact with support groups, discussion forums and learning centres.
  • Provide a channel through which the suppliers of educational products and services can reach the market of parents that have decided to choose home education.

Local support groups

You can join a local support group or even start one. For mothers these offer a shoulder to cry on and, usually, also a new perspective on their children's behaviour. For children it is important to meet other homeschoolers and to realise that there are many perfectly normal children who are also homeschooling!

Mailing lists and Facebook groups

There are various discussion groups and support groups where parents can come together. More details are provided under menu option "Support" on this website.

How to start homeschooling?

  1. Determine your goals. Reflect together as a family on your ideals for your children. What would you like your child to be like in 10 or 15 years' time? Someone who knows right from wrong? Someone who can think and act independently? Someone who can look after themselves and who can work independently?

  2. Obtain information. Read up on homeschooling, buy an info pack, attend information days, chat to other homeschoolers and find out what the various curricula are like.

  3. Join support structures to keep yourself up to date on developments on the homeschooling front and to become part of the network of homeschoolers in South Africa.

  4. Enjoy it every day and be thankful for the privilege of being able to work with your child. Relax and cut back on your other commitments to ensure a stress-free beginning to your homeschooling.

How to keep it up

Homeschooling is one of the most rewarding, meaningful experiences you will ever have in your life. For your children too, every day in homeschooling is a gift.

  • Be prepared to change direction. When you start out homeschooling, be prepared for a significant change in your own life. You will get to know your children and yourself better and you will learn to enjoy each other's company. You will grow individually and you will do, learn and enjoy things that you never planned to. As a family, you and your children will grow much closer; life-long friendships are often formed this way.

  • Expect changes in your community. The role of your homeschooling family within your extended family and in your community usually changes, since you will increasingly have to account for your homeschooling choice. In the process you might make enemies, but often, also unexpected friends. Homeschoolers often recruit many people for homeschooling solely by the example they set in their lives.

  • Become involved. As your homeschooling progresses you will become more involved with supportive structures and make use of information sources. In this way you will become more and more involved in the homeschooling community itself and will be able to help others. Homeschoolers usually also promote good education in society.

Legal & Research

Research on Home Education

Research on home education consistently proves that home learners

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Homeschooling and the law

Home schooling was recognized in 1996 in the SA Schools Act.

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History of homeschooling in SA

History of home education in South Africa (Wikipedia article)

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Learning centre overview

Homeschool, micro-school, learning centre, unregistered private

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Start a Learning Centre

Important considerations when starting a learning centre

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Find a learning centre

There are various ways to find learning centres. Since there is

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Homeschool Family blogs

Blogs by homeschooling families that share their experiences and ...


Tutors provide additional support to homeschooling parents. ... ...

Support Groups

Forums where parents and learners discuss issues with each other and ...

Assessment Tools

Homeschoolers make use of a variety of formal and informal ...


Edu8SA: Curriculum options and ...

  Our program is easy to navigate, making learning simple and easy! ...

Beit HaSefer

  Tailor made Home Education by Beit HaSefer (No ‘one size fits ...

Syllabis Education

Syllabis Learning strives to be the leading provider of ...

Learn, code and create with Ubbu!

  ubbuIntroducing ubbu!An Adventure of Code and Play! Learn, Code ...

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