The Pestalozzi Trust is a registered public benefit organisation that is exempt from income tax because it uses its income to make it possible for parents to choose home education with assurance and confidence and in the best interests of their children.
Read more: Pestalozzi TrustHomeschool consulting
(No ‘one size fits all’ products!)
What is Beit HaSefer?
Are you looking for educational material? Well, you are not alone. Beit HaSefer has become the educational product solution to many people, but foremost are the parents who take the responsibility of educating their children at home on themselves. Unlike ‘service providers’ who extend their system of education to your home or educational environment, Beit HaSefer is a product supplier. We offer a flexible and cost effective approach to educating children anywhere and anytime. In other words – we provide educational solutions where the need is educational products. Beit HaSefer is THE “House of the Book” though you will get more than just books from us.
(Geen ‘een nommer moet almal pas’ produkte nie!)
Wat is Beit HaSefer?
Het u opvoedkundige materiaal nodig? Wel, u is nie alleen nie – ons is tot u diens. Beit HaSefer het die oplossing geword vir vele mense en instansies, waarvan die vernaamste tuisskool ouers is wat die verantwoordelikheid van die opvoeding van hulle kinders op hulself neem. Anders as “diensverskaffers”, wat hul eie sisteem van onderrig aan u verkoop, bied Beit HaSefer u opvoedkundige produkte. Ons bied u die opsie om die beste produk uit die grootste beskikbare reeks kwaliteit produkte te kies. Op hierdie wyse bied ons u ‘n buigsame en koste effektiewe metode om u kind enige tyd en enige plek op te voed. Met ander woorde:- ons verskaf opvoedkundige oplossings waar die behoefte opvoedkundige produkte en materiaal is! BeitHaSefer is DIE “Huis van die Boek”.
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