“The word ‘education’ comes from the Latin ‘educere’ = e- (out of) + -ducere (to draw). Education is not just about putting information in. We have forgotten that it, in fact, begins in the child’s heart.” - Vince Gowmon President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the implementation of Grade R as an additional compulsory school year, a decision that was received positively. But, there are some questions as to whether this is such...
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On Friday 1 November 2018, President Cyril Ramaphosa made a controversial comment. In his comment he stated that he wishes to propose a law that will criminalise parents who fail to send their children to school. The SA Schools Act (Chapter 2, 3 (6a, b)) states that parents who, without just cause fail to send their children to school will be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment of 6...
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