Homeschooling is featuring increasingly more frequent in the media. Recently a book has been published by Naledi with the title “Seekers of the Lost Boy”. This book has been written Taryn Hayes, a homeschooling mother in Cape Town. Seekers of the Lost Boy is an adventure of a homeschooling family living in Cape Town. It begins when 12-year-old Simon finds a bottle on the water’s edge during a visit to Muizenberg...
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Dis was opvallend oor die laaste maande dat tuisonderwys voorgekom het in ’n verskeidenheid gewilde films. Van hierdie films het ook onlangs toekennings ontvang. Dolphin Tale is ’n 3D film van Warner Bros. en is gebaseer op ’n ware verhaal van ’n beseerde dolfyn wat gered en in ’n akwarium gerehabiliteer is. Twee van die hoofkarakters is kinders. Hazel Clay is die dogter van die persoon wat die akwarium bedryf en...
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