Dis was opvallend oor die laaste maande dat tuisonderwys voorgekom het in ’n verskeidenheid gewilde films. Van hierdie films het ook onlangs toekennings ontvang. Dolphin Tale is ’n 3D film van Warner Bros. en is gebaseer op ’n ware verhaal van ’n beseerde dolfyn wat gered en in ’n akwarium gerehabiliteer is. Twee van die hoofkarakters is kinders. Hazel Clay is die dogter van die persoon wat die akwarium bedryf en...
8695 Hits
On 21 September 2011, the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) had a public meeting with homeschooling parents in Pretoria. This is the first time since 2004 that the GDE had a public meeting about home education, and a representative of the Association for Homeschooling, Freek Kruger, has attended this meeting. The Association also received a video recording of the meeting from the Pestalozzi Trust. The representatives from the GDE were ms....
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